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2nd-3rd Jul 2018WEAVE SPA meeting 7, Cagliari
30th-31st Jan 2018WEAVE SPA meeting 6 at , IAC, Tenerife
11th Jan 2018WEAVE WRS FDR, Bilbao
30th Nov 2017 WEAVE WCS FDR, Barcelona
27th-1st Dec 2017Week of WEAVE 2017: Galactic Archaeology team meeting, Barcelona
13th-27th Nov 2017 WEAVE Engineering Stand-down 4
1st-3rd Nov 2017 WEAVE All-Hands Meeting 2017: MartiniPlaza, Groningen
26th-28th Sep 2017 WEAVE AIT meeting, Schiphol
13th-14th Sep 2017 WEAVE PRI system AIT workshop at RAL
12th-13th Jul 2017 WEAVE-QSQ team meeting, Marseille
29th-30th June 2017 WEAVE SPA team meeting 5, Cambridge
13th-14th June 2017 WEAVE SCIP team meeting, Alicante
12th-19th June 2017 WEAVE Engineering Stand-down 3
 5th May 2017 Fibre Positioner dFDR
 8th March 2017Observatory Control System Final Design Review
19th-21st Nov 2016 WEAVE WEAVE All-Hands Meeting 2016, Cambridge
13th December 2016IAC publishes tender to deliver the instrument rotator
28th November 2016Week of WEAVE meeting at the Lorentz Center
10th November 2016SPA meeting 4
9th November 2016FDR for the WEAVE Archive System (WAS) at Groningen
4th October 2016WEAVE Operational Rehearsal 1 held at Groningen
August 2016IAC tender to deliver an assembled PFC is published
19th-20th July 2016The WHT flip ring was removed from the WHT and successfully reinstalled. This was carried out as a demonstration in preparation for the arrival of WEAVE.  This was the first time in the history of the telescope that this ring had been separated from its support structure.  Read more about this here.
March 2016Final funding announcement for IAC (FEDER, 1.8M€)
March 2016Fibre Retractors Complete
March 2016PRI lens 4 ready for coating
March 2016FTS delivered to IAC
February 2016Positioner contract placed with Schunk
January 2016PRI Trolleys delivered to WHT
20th-21st Jan 2016January Galactic Archaeology Science Team Meeting
November 2015PFC Blank 2 delivered to Kiwistar
20th-21st Oct 2015Fibre System FDR
19th-20th Oct 2015Science and Survey Strategy Review
23rd-24th Sep 2015PRI Focus Translation System FDR
September 2015PFC Blank 5 delivered to Kiwistar
28th August 2015PRI Trolleys FDR
8th June 2015MultiLateral Agreement is now fully signed by all agencies
3rd June 2015Franche Comté provides funds for WEAVE fibres
27th-29th May 2015WEAVE Science Planning meeting at Leiden
15th May 2015Engineering grade CCD231-C6 delivered by e2V
23rd April 2015PDR for Archive System
23rd April 2015FDR Core and Advanced Processing System
18th March 2015FDR for Spectrograph System
22nd Janaury 2015FDR for Fibre Positioner System
19th December 2014PFC Blank 1 delivered to Kiwistar
2nd December 2014PFC Blank 3 delivered to Kiwistar
3rd November 2014PFC Blank 4 delivered to Kiwistar
22nd July 2014France's Conseil Scientifique Régional d'Île-de-France approves funds for WEAVE
28th June 2014WEAVE well-represented at SPIE in Montreal
26th June 2014Spain's Plan Nacional approves funds for WEAVE
13th June 2014Kiwistar selected to polish PFC lenses
10th June 2014PDR of the CPS/APS
30th April 2014Blank for PFC lens 1 ordered
29th April 2014Spain's FEDER committee approves funds for WEAVE
11th April 2014Published tender for PFC lens polishing and coating
30th March 2014Science CCDs ordered from e2v
25th March 2014Full UK funding released by STFC
25th March 2014WEAVE Board meeting in Rome. Attended by INAF Directors following the agreement to include Italy in the project.
20th February 2014First MOS fibre prototype received
12th February 2014Final design stage mid-term assessment
31st January 2014Positioner PLC received
30th January 2014Spectrograph optical final design review
24th January 2014Prime focus corrector blank (B6) has been completed
19th December 2013Successful Gaia launch
15th November 2013Five of the six corrector blanks ordered
7th November 2013STFC's Science Board recommends full funding for WEAVE
6th September 2013STFC PPRP visiting panel at RAL Space
9th July 2013Prime focus optical design FDR
3rd-4th July 2013STFC PPRP meeting
30th April 2013STFC PPRP funding proposal submitted
22nd-23rd May 2013WEAVE Engineering meeting to close preliminary design stage (Stage Two) and initiate final design stage (Stage three)
19th-20th March 2013WEAVE PDR completed
21st February 2013NWO (Dutch Science Foundation) awards 960 k€ for WEAVE hardware to Prof.dr. S.C. Trager (WEAVE NL PI, Project Scientist, and Deputy PI) through its NWO-M programme.  See this page for a short description of the project (in Dutch)
18th February 2013Preliminary Design Review (PDR) documentation delivered to reviewers.  PDR will be held in Madrid 19-20 March 2013
11th October 2012NWO (Dutch Science Foundation) Board of Exact Sciences approves 2M€ for staff costs connected to WEAVE design and construction in the period 2012-2015
26th-27th June 2012WEAVE project stage II Mid-Term Assessment meeting in Liverpool. Project progressing as desired
17th-18th April 2012WEAVE Engineering meeting in Amsterdam. Conceptual designs discussed and moved towards preliminary designs
2nd January 2012Start of WEAVE project stage II, in which preliminary designs are developed
2012Funds received from Île-de-France for prototyping MOS fibres
19th December 2011End of WEAVE project stage I. Final science cases delivered
3rd October 2011Start of WEAVE project stage I, in which the user requirements will be captured. Final science cases and a concept-of-operations document will be delivered by 16 December
22nd-23rd September 2011WEAVE kick-off meeting in Amsterdam. Engineering session on Thursday 22nd September. Science session on Friday 23rd September
13th July 2011STFC's PPAN (Particle Physics, Astronomy and Nuclear Physics) science committee states that WEAVE is one of the highest priorities for UK investment in new ground-based astronomical instrumentation, and recommends that STFC provides support through the design phase
14th April 2011Presentation about WEAVE made to STFC's PPAN (Particle Physics, Astronomy and Nuclear Physics) science committee by Gavin Dalton (RAL)
31st January 2011'Statement of interest' submitted to STFC. The partners are STFC, the University of Oxford, LJMU, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, ASTRON, Observatoire de Paris, Lund University and ING
11th January 2011Piercarlo Bonifacio and team join the WEAVE consortium following the closure of the GYES project
30th November 2010Conceptual designs of the new prime-focus corrector for the WHT, and of the spectrograph components, were presented at the WEAVE engineering meeting, Heathrow
14th October 2010Proposed WHT MOS instrument named as WEAVE (WHT Enhanced Area Velocity Explorer)
1st October 2010Letter of intent submitted to ESO for the construction of a MOS on the WHT
26th April 2010"WHT MOS Science Group meeting", London
22nd March 2010"Science with the William Herschel Telescopes 2010-2020" London workshop
