When you meet your observers at the INT



  • a person shows the following symptoms: fever, cough and breathing difficulties.

       AND if:

  • the person has recently (in the last 14 days) been in any of the Risk Zones (see below) OR in contact with a confirmed case.


    • Tell the person to return to the IAC Residencia and call 112 and follow their instructions.
    • You cancel the INT support for the night and inform the situation to the Residencia and to the INT Manager.

Risk Zones:

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In case of concern

  • Before going to the INT

If for any other personal reason (not covered above) you feel anxious, worried or concerned about providing support at the INT please do not hesitate to communicate this in advance to the INT Manager, so we can find a work around for the support.

  • When you are already at the INT

If the concern arises when you are already at the INT, do not proceed with the support and inform the WHT TO at ORM and the INT Manager of the situation.
The WHT TO will show the basics of the INT to the observer and the procedures for observations are thoroughly covered in the WFC and IDS manuals. If there is time enough, a remote support session can be coordinated for that night.

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