"configure" - WEAVE field-configuration tool


Welcome to the webpage for the "configure" software. Please note that this page is currently intended for use only by SV PIs in the context of their collaborative work with their WEAVE SV liason group.

Before WEAVE is open to open-time PIs, configure will be made publicly available with relevant guidance and support.

No support will be provided for configure for PIs of SV projects at this stage.

What is configure?

In a nutshell, configure is the software that allows us to configure fields to be observed by WEAVE, i.e. to allocate fibres to objects for a particular WEAVE field.

The configure software is written by David Terrett.

Where can I run configure?

A general configure user should download the latest version of configure and run this on their own machine.

Download configure

To identify the version you are running, run configure with the --version command line option and the version number will be printed on standard out. For macOS, after moving the app to Applications, run /Applications/configure.app/Contents/MacOS/configure --version.

latest configure version numberdate releasedlinuxmac


Various bug fixes to lifu_configure and dither. configure is unchanged from

26 September 2020


This version is known to work on Mojave and Catalina

As of version 3.0.0 the input XML must specify the data model version. Old XMLs can be fixed so that configure doesn't complain by adding datamver="8.00" as an attribute of the root element.


configure documentationdatemore informationdownloadable document
user manual31 Mar 2020 

configure XML definition

29 April 2020

- document describing format of input field definition

- specifies what configure and the positioner software requires (with the exception of quality assessment criteria)


If you spot any bugs, please contact Shoko and Scott (jin@astro.rug.nl, sctrager@astro.rug.nl).

LIFU fields

configure_lifu is an analogue of configure for creating XML descriptions of LIFU observations. It reads an input file that looks like a input to configure except that it only contains one target and doesn't contain most of the stuff needed by configure to drive the confiuration process. All it does is update the field centre to match the target and generates new targets for each of the remaining LIFU fibres. The intent is that LIFU observations have an XML description that is sufficiently close to that for a MOS field that they can be treated in the same way for much of the rest of the dataflow.

The program is command line only and has -f and -o command line options for specifying the names of the input and output files.

An example input  and output  files are here. (These use the "new" attributes - "targra" instead of "RA_D" etc. etc.)

The dither program is also needed if you plan to dither your LIFU observations. 

Here's a typical run of these two programs (and xmllint for checking the xml):

% lifu_configure --epoch 2020 -i output/WC_2021A1-lifu_01-tgc.xml -o output/WC_2021A1-lifu_01-tgcs-tmp-orig.xml
% dither -i output/WC_2021A1-lifu_01-tgcs-tmp-orig.xml -o output/WC_2021A1-lifu_01-tgcs-orig.xml
% xmllint --c14n output/WC_2021A1-lifu_01-tgcs-orig.xml | xmllint --format --encode utf-8 --output output/WC_2021A1-lifu_01-tgcs.xml -