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Guidance for ING groups and individuals during work-from-home period, 2020-03-22

Advice to individuals

  1. Read the excellent posted documentation on recommendations for working from home
  2. Prepare a timetable for yourself
  3. Prepare a work space at home
    • Aim to identify a private space somewhere at home to minimise distractions during work hours
  4. Agree with those in the household (family etc) about timetable and work-space at home.
  5. Write-down a work-plan for yourself
    • Assume it's for one month, and be prepared to extend it to a total 2-4 months.
    • Broadly week-by-week
    • Extracted from your PWPR wherever possible
      • Understand and note down the changes to the PWP imposed by your working from home.
    • Agree your home PWP with your line manager. Ask for advice.
  6. You are recommended to note down daily start and end work-times, for your own control
  7. Timesheet
    • mark every work-from-home day as a 'day at sea-level'.
    • When traveling to ORM on duty, mark the day as 'day at ORM'
    • If you are sick, inform your line manager and HR by email, and mark the day as 'day off sick'.
    • <Other remarks>

Advice to group heads

  1. Adjust group objectives to the circumstances of work from home.
    • Note what has to be postponed
    • Note opportunities. Examples may be:
      • Catch up with documentation
      • Revising/improving planning of future activities
      • Training: online courses
      • ASR
  2. Discuss these objectives with group members.
    • Come to an agreement.
    • Reflect the agreement in the PWPR document of each individual in your group. 

  3. Agree with each group member on a frequency for contact via phone or zoom.
    • Choices may vary from one to three times per week.
      • Some individuals require far less contact than others.
    • Items to cover at the regular meetings
      • Progress
      • Ways to cope with difficulties of working from home
      • Adjusting plans for following period


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