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                <img data-u="image" src="
data-cycle-title="A vane is connected between the Central Can and the FTU."> <img src="http
                <div data-u="thumb">Installation of the WEAVE corrector into the central can</div>
                <img data-u="image" src="
2.jpg" />
                <div data-
The dummy Prime Focus Corrector is lifted onto the test rig."> <img src="http
thumb">Removal of the WEAVE dummy corrector from the central can</div>
                <img data-u="image" src="
3.jpg" />
                <div data-
cycle-title="An FTU, built by SENER, is put through its paces."> <img src="http
u="thumb">Installation of the WEAVE spectrograph into GHRIL</div>
                <img data-u="image" src="
data-cycle-title="The dummy Prime Focus Corrector is lowered into the Central Can."> <img src="http
                <div data-u="thumb">The WEAVE prime focus assembly mounted on the telescope</div>
                <img data-u="image" src="
5.jpg" />
                <div data-
cycle-title="The top-end assembly is lowered onto the telescope simulator."> <img src="http
u="thumb">Configuring the spectrogrpah in GHRIL</div>
                <img data-u="image" src="
6.jpg" />
                <div data-u="thumb">The high-resolution VPH grating being installed in the spectrograph</div>
data-cycle-title="The dummy Prime Focus Corrector is positioned within the Central Can."> </div> <!-- empty element for caption --> <div id="adv-custom-caption" class="center"></div>
WEAVE is a new multi-object survey spectrograph for the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope (WHT) at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, on La Palma in the Canary Islands. It will allow astronomers to take optical spectra of up to ~1000 targets over a two-degree field of view in a single exposure (MOS), or to carry out integral-field spectroscopy using 20 deployable mini integral-field units (mIFUs) or one large fixed integral-field unit (LIFU). WEAVE's fibre-fed spectrograph comprises two arms, one optimised for the blue and one for the red, and offers two possible spectroscopic resolutions, 5000 and 20,000. 



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<table border="0" align="center" width="1000">
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		<td width="89%" style="text-align:justify">
		WEAVE (WHT Enhanced Area Velocity Explorer) is a new multi-object survey spectrograph for the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope (WHT) at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, on La Palma in the Canary Islands. It will allow astronomers to take optical spectra of up to ~1000 targets over a two-degree field of view in a single exposure (MOS), or to carry out integral-field spectroscopy using 20 deployable mini integral-field units (mIFUs) or one large fixed integral-field unit (LIFU). WEAVE's fibre-fed spectrograph comprises two arms, one optimised for the blue and one for the red, and offers two possible spectroscopic resolutions, 5000 and 20,000. 
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 Please email any enquiries to the  WEAVE Project Support Office. 
